Meet the candidates

You may have seen Murrough O’Brien’s letter in a recent edition of The Focus where he confirms that he will be standing with the Conservatives in the upcoming City Council elections.

We know you are all busy people, so, if we happen to miss you on the doorstep or out and about, we understand. You’re either commuting, working from home, or just getting on with your lives, and you probably wouldn’t welcome strangers interrupting whatever you’re doing.

That said, you may have issues you’d like to discuss with us, so if you aren’t able to catch us around town, at the Park Run or wherever, we’ll be at Club Woodham on the evening of March 30th between 7pm and 9pm, later if necessary.

You would be more than welcome to join us and raise your concerns. I can attest that the coffee in Club Woodham is excellent, and you’ll be supporting a local business as well.

We look forward to meeting you.

Cllr. Bob Massey
South Woodham Conservatives


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